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Kingdom Advance is now offering for the first time a Hybrid Course: "Making Visible the Government of God"

Beginning September 15th, students log-in to Canvas online on a weekly basis for 10 weeks


This course includes 

  • Face-to-Face Meeting the First Sunday monthly from 2:00pm - 4:30pm 

  • Weekly Online Meeting Time(s) TBD

  • Weekly Modules for detailed information of assignments 

  • Printed workbooks (on request)





We are extremely excited to have YOU join us in this course, as we launch Kingdom Advance's first online course: "Making Visible the Government of God"! You have joined an offline and online community of students and teachers who are, simply put, committed to seeking first the Kingdom of God. As part of this first group of students that Kingdom Advance has the privilege of hosting and teaching, you are the "first-fruits" of this harvest that will be equipped to understand the Kingdom of God in a way that is transformative!


In the reality of the Kingdom, a first fruit offering is more than just a parallel to the sacrificial offering of Jewish or Christian customs--it is about sowing and reaping the administration and government of God. Jesus refers to God the Father as the Lord of the Harvest because the Father plants the seed: Jesus. Through Christ's death and resurrection, the Kingdom has come nearer to us and has been enabled to grant access to those who earnestly seek it. This is why Paul refers to Christ's death as a type of "first-fruit" (1 Corinthians 15:20).


Kingdom Advance is not only about receiving more information but rather transformation. This course will help you gain the spiritual formation needed to understand how the Kingdom of God operates as both a government and a family by closely analyzing the Father-Son relationship of God the Father and Jesus Christ. This is a key to recognizing the power of the Kingdom and the ability to be launched into your destiny, as both a son or daughter of God and a citizen of His government.





Each week, students will complete one module which contains

  • Message

  • Video Summary

  • Online Coffee Shop Forum

  • Homework Assignment


The Messages in each module is the "classwork" and the bulk of the content for that week. Students will read and study each Message per week and watch a video summary of that message afterwards. The Video Summaries provide the highlights of the written Messages and are intended to supplement (not replace) the Message that precedes them.


The Coffee Shop Forums are optional, as they provide a digital space for students to carry-over the content of each module into a forum where more dialogue (written or verbal) can take place. Think of these forums as a kind of social media news-feed, where people can post "what's on their mind," as long as it's related to that week's module. More details and information can be found on the Coffee Shop Forum page.


Finally, each module contains a Homework Assignment. These assignments are not optional, as their purpose is to allow you to share what you've been learning and track your progress in the course. Assignments will vary from answering discussion questions to sharing audibly (video or audio only) feedback about related themes of the Kingdom of God.





Online courses follow the same stringent guidelines that face-to-face classes use to determine the required work that needs to be done each week. In fact, most students find online courses take slightly longer than face-to-face courses, since much of the material that would traditionally be delivered in a lecture needs to be read in an online course. 


Although Kingdom Advance isn't an accredited, college course, it still requires the work load of a 2-unit college course, which is approximately 2 hours of class and 2-4 hours of homework, per week.


The units in this class have been carefully planned to work within this requirement. In order to be successful in this class, you should plan to spend about 4-6 hours per weekly module (this includes class work and homework). You will spend this time reading/reviewing the content in each module (including videos and/or films), reading chapters from our textbook, writing discussion posts and responding to your peers, and planning, writing, or uploading audio/video feedback or homework.


As you plan your time for the course, think about how to best manage your time. Typically, students are more successful if they work on the course more than one days per week than if they try to complete each module in one sitting.


The best advice we can give you, as people who have taken online courses, taught online courses, or developed online courses, is to schedule specific times each week to work on the course, and to plan to check in on the course a couple of times each week. 




Registration fees below are available to U.S. enrollment only. 


DISCOUNT INTRODUCTORY RATE paid in full by September 7th


(Couples can join the course for $190.00)


PAID IN FULL by September 12th


(Couples can join the course for $235.00)


WEEKLY PAYMENT OPTION (First Payment Due by September 12th) must commit to paying for the entire 10 weeks


(Couples can pay weekly $30.00)






Submit payment via one of the following payment methods:



Include your name(s), e-mail address and phone number with your payment. 



Once your payment for the course has been received, you will be emailed a link to Canvas's Homepage and a code for you to create an account. Once you click on the link, you'll need to register on Canvas as a student and further instructions will follow.


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